KUO I-Chen 郭 奕 臣
Survivor Projector 倖存者計畫
數位攝影,錄影裝置 |Digital Photography ,Video Installation | 2007
藉由許多駭人的災難新聞畫面,虛擬出一段過去的未來式預言。影像來源掘取自Google search的許多重大的歷史性災難畫面,如:紐約世貿中心恐怖攻擊、南亞大海嘯、美國卡崔納風災、伊拉克戰爭、空難、地震…等,從中擷取部份的影像元素,藉由數位影像的重新拼貼,建構出一種看似不可能發生在現實生活中的末日景象,但解析粗糙的影像粒子中卻隱含著一種超真實的氛圍,像是好萊塢電影情節的真實上演;而在畫面中矗立的探測車<倖存者號>,重新回到人類曾經的生存疆域,在已然荒蕪的廢墟荒境裡搜尋人類唯一倖存信念,殘骸畫面中遺留著”I’m Still Here”,彷彿宣告著某種未來/歷史的倖存寓言。
With many terrifying news clips about disasters, the work creates a prophecy for the past. These images are search results on Google search engine of many major disasters, such as the 911 terrorist attack, India Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, Iraqi War, airplane crashes, earthquakes, etc. This work extracts elemennts from these images and collage, constructing an Armageddon image that seems improbable to happen in reality. But the low definition image creates a real atmosphere, like Hollywood movies comes true. In this image, the detector vehicle Survival(robot car) comes back to where human being once lived and looks for the only faith that human being left in the ruins—”I’m still here”, which seems to tell a prophecy of the future/past.

數位輸出Digital Print 330x120 cm | 2007

數位輸出Digital Print 330x120 cm | 2007

數位輸出Digital Print 170x120 cm | 2007

數位輸出Digital Print 170x120 cm | 2007

攝影| Photography |120 x80 cm | 2007

攝影| Photography |120 x80 cm | 2007

攝影| Photography |120 x80 cm | 2007

攝影| Photography |120 x80 cm | 2007
Eclipses the Dreams 蝕夢
錄影裝置 |Digital Photography ,Video Installation | 2007

National Taichung Theater, Taichung, TAIWAN

National Taichung Theater, Taichung, TAIWAN

video Installation | 2007

National Taichung Theater, Taichung, TAIWAN
Introduction 序
單頻道錄影,數位相框 | Single Channel Video,Digital Photo Frame, 6'40" | 2007
Wind blowing from the sea
always leaves us in endless speculations
the beginnings of stories...

AutoStadt ZeitHaus museum, Wolfsburg, GERMANY

《Contemporary art at the UB. Sorigue Foundation》, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, SPAIN