KUO I-Chen 郭 奕 臣
裝置 |installation | 400 x375 cm |2021
古董裁縫機,回收布料,PET寶特瓶,馬達,飛機模型, 鎢絲燈泡,1965年台北空照圖帆布輸出
Antique sewing machine, recycled fabric, PET bottle, electric motor, airplane model, light bulb, aerial photo of 1965 Taipei printed on canvas
In the work Mind Map, KUO I-Chen builds on a foundation of old aerial landscape photographs of Taipei and creates simulations of natural or man-made environments using reclaimed bottles and cans, sampling fabric, and various fabric scraps and waste materials from the manufacturing process.
The installation's focal point is an antique sewing machine positioned to correspond with the Tamsui River estuary, the recycled fabric symbolizes the flowing river that moves toward Taipei in counter-current, alluding to the memories that flow through different eras.
Using materials provided on-site, audience members can mark a location of their own within the map; a location that carries an important personal memory, or a spiritual home within the city. This Mind Map is completed through the participation of the audience.
Vangard1 先鋒計劃
複合媒材裝置 | Mixed media installation | 2021
L260 x W180 x H160 cm
Agricultural tractor, radio, electronic keyboard,14-inch single speaker, algae power generator,artificial satellite model
Vanguard 1, the world's first solar-powered satellite, was launched in 1958. Communications with the satellite were lost in 1965, and it has since become
the oldest surviving space debris still in orbit around Earth. As space exploration continues, the number of space debris continues to rise year after year. Nations around the world have also begun to pay attention to the threats that this may bring, which could lead to possible unforeseen space disasters.
This project, Vanguard 1, reactivates the Vanguard 1 satellite through the use of an algal biofuel power generator, and it plays sounds that are drifting in
outer space. The installation also combines various discarded appliances and an agricultural tractor, resulting in a new type of space energy transmission station by linking together resource cycling and memories of Earth.
Black Rainbow 一道黑色的彩虹
W564 x H33 x L5 cm
不同尺寸面板所排列而成的長型黑色屏幕,在屏幕中央畫面顯示出的白光,透過色光的混色映照在畫面中央發出虹光的髮絲,頭髮作為人類有機體的延伸也隱含著集體意識的聯結,生活在大量高科技產品的數位軀殼中,人 類從視覺經驗的「思考」逐漸轉化成視覺體驗的「觀看」,那些曾觀看螢幕的使用者,彷彿成為數位幽靈般被封存在那些再也無法顯影的損壞液晶面板,成為一個個無法穿越的黑洞,在影像的背後唯一能被穿透的是一道黑色的彩虹。