KUO I-Chen 郭 奕 臣
Lightyears 光 年
攝影裝置 | Photography Installation | 2011
一天完成拍攝一台傳統135底片的即可拍, 持續紀錄一年共365台相機、9855張底片。所有底片存放於相機中,直到創作者死亡,才可由他者沖洗成為照片。按下快門時閃光的瞬間,象徵著死亡的剎那;用以紀錄的底片,封存於相機黑盒子內。拍照當下的記憶隨著時間慢慢模糊遺忘,直到實質的生命本體消逝,塵封於記憶黑盒子的底片才得以透過他者之眼揭示。此作品試圖探討記憶與生命的消融。穿過生命與死亡的盡頭/鏡頭,重新去觀看存在的本質。因,唯有死亡,才能彰顯真理。
One 135mm disposable camera per day. 9855 films taken. 365 cameras accumulated over one year. All the films are meant to remain untouched in the camera until the day of the death of the artist, and then to be unveiled by an unknown other. The camera's blinking flash resembles the moment of death. While being sealed in the black boxes, fragmented memories become a blur as time goes by. Until the substance of life fades away, the films in these dust-laden black boxes are rediscovered through the eye of others.
The work explores the intertwined journey of memory and life. Passing through the ends/lens of life and death, a reexamination of the essence of being is made possible, as truth manifests itself only through death.

Photography Installation | 2011

Photography Installation | 2011

Photography Installation | 2011

Photography Installation | 2011
Aurora-Eclipes 曙光-蝕
聲音裝置 | Audio Installation with 11 Speakers | 2011
Recorded in different times and locations, these sounds are the proofs of existence for many anonymous, non-specific places, familiar yet strange. The space and the state where humans exist also imply a certain irregular order. The deja vu that the audience experiences in front of the work creates a paradox where order and chaos coexist. The seemingly regular tic-toc of time is disrupted by random connections, giving the audience an illusion of "time is lost in temporality." Independent from any temporal and spatial references, past, present and future are simultaneously juxtaposed as they are fading into each other. The audience experiences chaotic uncertainty through their own reconstruction of the sounds.

Audio Installation with 11 Speakers | 2011 照片提供 | 國立臺北藝術大學藝術與科技中心 攝影 | 黃瑞昌

Audio Installation with 11 Speakers | 2011 照片提供 | 國立臺北藝術大學藝術與科技中心 攝影 | 黃瑞昌

Audio Installation with 11 Speakers | 2011 照片提供 | 國立臺北藝術大學藝術與科技中心 攝影 | 黃瑞昌
The Brightest Light in the Dark of the Night 漆黑夜裡最明亮的光芒
錄影裝置 | Video Installation | 2011
Situated in sheer darkness, with a constant flashing light the artist tries to locate the singularity that he belongs to in this immense universe. With light, individuals imagine and picture the universe, where time and space are parallel. The body breaks into light and becomes a shadow, leaving a mark of itself just as the star sends out twinkling signal--a signal to summon a future that has been told.

The Brightest Light in the Dark of the Night video Installation | 2011

The Brightest Light in the Dark of the Night video Installation | 2011

The Brightest Light in the Dark of the Night video Installation | 2011

The Brightest Light in the Dark of the Night video Installation | 2011
Sightless Being 在看不見的地方存在著
錄影裝置 | Video Installation | 2011
我成為了妳 你成為了她 他成為了它 觀看像是一道迷宮
只能抓取片段的痕跡 無法窺探出全貌 光線穿透身體與空間的交界 建構出自我世界的形體
身體成為影子的遮蔽物 空間與身體的穿越
透過光 鏡像出一道通往逝去的窗口 在夜裡
通亮的窗口 無聲息的在空蕩的房間 晃著
透過光 毀壞的視覺欺瞞自身的存在 只剩漆黑一片的雜訊

Video Installation | 2011

Video Installation | 2011

Video Installation | 2011
What a Wonderful WARld
錄影裝置 | Video Installation | 2011
2011年3月11日在家中的看著電視現場直播日本關東大地震所引起的海嘯畫面,接下來的福島核電廠爆炸,宛如好萊塢般的電影災難情節真實上演著,在世界的另一端透過媒體觀賞著這場災難正在發生,而我卻無能為力,只能在家裡吹著冷氣目瞪口呆坐著…讓我開始思索這世界,應該是說這“美好的世界”,是如何被運作著,生態環境、能源供給、經濟效益、生活品質,人們所嚮往的美好世界,無不彼此相互依賴著,核能發電堪稱這世紀最具經濟效益的能源,經濟效益提高意謂著更好的生活品質,生活品質提升也造成生態環境的改變,然而這美好的世界卻逐一被瓦解,這世界不再是我所認知的World而是WARLD,一個面臨生存危機的世界,《What a wonderful WARLD》藉由一般常用的居家生活用品、電器與生態環境浩劫的新聞畫面串聯,反思我們居住的這美好的世界的背後,是如何相互被影響著,如Louis Armstrong的這首經典老歌《What A Wonderful World》的最後一句歌詞And I think to myself What a wonderful world,我想這美好的世界只存留在我心中。
March March 11th 2011, I was stunned by what I saw on the television at home: tsunami caused by earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident afterwords... disasters just like Hollywood movies was happening right on the other side of the world. And I could only being sitting startled in my air conditioned room, thinking about how this world...this "beautiful world" was functioned. Environment, energy, economy, the quality life people yearn for, are all tightly associated with each other. Nuclear power is the so-called most efficient energy source. This efficiency means better economy, better life. And better life demands more and more from natural environment. This beautiful world starts to shatter. The "WORLD" becomes a dangerous "WARLD" for me. Collocating household items and appliances with news report of man-induced catastrophes,《What a wonderful WARLD》reflects how our everyday life intimately connects to the environment. As the classic song by Louis Armstrong sings at the end "And I think to myself What a wonderful world..." The wonderful world only exists in my mind.
11th 2011, I was stunned by what I saw on the television at home: tsunami caused by earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident afterwords... disasters just like Hollywood movies was happening right on the other side of the world. And I could only being sitting startled in my air conditioned room, thinking about how this world...this "beautiful world" was functioned. Environment, energy, economy, the quality life people yearn for, are all tightly associated with each other. Nuclear power is the so-called most efficient energy source. This efficiency means better economy, better life. And better life demands more and more from natural environment. This beautiful world starts to shatter. The "WORLD" becomes a dangerous "WARLD" for me. Collocating household items and appliances with news report of man-induced catastrophes,《What a wonderful WARLD》reflects how our everyday life intimately connects to the environment. As the classic song by Louis Armstrong sings at the end "And I think to myself What a wonderful world..." The wonderful world only exists in my mind.