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Artist Studio Residency Platform


STUPIN是由藝術家郭奕臣在2017年成立的藝術家工作室駐村平台 — STUPIN以藝術家個人作為單位,透過「Studio 空間交換」與「Pin 駐地文化導遊」,進行工作室與人脈資源的連結和分享,進而串聯出一種全新型態的國際藝術駐村網絡。 STUPIN的讀音似stupid(愚笨的),藝術家在創作的過程中常是一股腦的傻勁在投入創作,而這態度往往得到的是出乎意料的結果,STUPIN代表著是一種向未知領域探索的狀態,不會被現有邏輯框架給羈絆著,既使面對全然未知的狀態卻還是有勇氣一步步往前,並帶著開放的心態迎向未知的旅程!

Be STUPIN! Be Smart!


STUPIN is founded by artist KUO I-Chen in 2017. It is an artist studio residency platform where different fields of artists can share and link their studios and connection. Through two main functions—STUDIO and PIN, we expect to build a global studio residency network. The STUPIN pronunciation resembles “stupid”, likewise, artist tends to devote to their creation bravely and nearly foolishly. But often this persistence comes out with an unexpected result. STUPIN represents an attitude to explore the unknown without constraining by forms. With an open mind, we invite you to join this journey.

Be STUPIN! Be Smart!

©KUO I-Chen all right reserved

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