KUO I-Chen 郭 奕 臣
Shijian st. 1 Landing Program. 實踐街1號登月計畫
研究計畫 | Research Projects | 2019
展覽合作 林怡秀 |Cooperation: Lin Yi-Hsiu
「中央社宿舍」是國民政府為在1949年隨中華民國政府來台灣的中央社員工眷屬所建設 ,許多中央社宿舍位在台北精華地段,如實踐街、承德路,其房舍現已破舊不堪、閒置 超過19年。目前中央社宿舍已收回國有財產署所有,北投區的地方文化人士與立委都曾 關切中央社宿舍議題,並期盼文化部能活化再造,成為文化空間或藝術聚落。此次計劃 期望能在官方資源尚未能即時投入前,先行透過藝術創作、展演、研究與進駐等開放方式,帶動官方單位與地方文化組織未來在資源整合、創造閒置空間活化與地方再生契機的多重想像,另一方面也嘗試將相關討論帶入C-LAB,藉此思考在1990年代以後,創作 者自主進駐城市角落空間的另一種可能性。
「城市塵埃-實踐街1號登月計畫」的創研進駐,預期以這處閒置宿舍作為衛星(月球)座 標,從歷史、科技、意識、政治、生物、生態等不同軸線上作為相互震盪流動的物質 (彗星、隕石),透過 C-LAB CREATORS計畫進駐以行星(空總臺灣當代文化實驗場)與衛星(實踐街1號)的引力作用,開啟城市的閒置空間活化與地方再生的合作模式,創造相互 循環與互助的生態系譜。
Shijian st. 1 Landing Program is based on the abandoned staff dormitory of Central News Agency (CNA). The old dormitory was built in 1964 and is one of the first accommodations that were built when CNA moved to Taiwan. The street name “Shijian” also entails historical and political connotations in Mandarin. When World War Two ended in 1945, the “Shijian Group,” formed by members of the “White Group” (a group of Japanese military advisers who assisted the Republic of China (Taiwan) in military training and drafting strategies for counterattack) was located at Shipai Elementary School, which, at the time, was located at the end of Shijian Street, hence the name.
The CNA dormitory was an accommodation built for staff members of CNA when the KMT government arrived in Taiwan in 1949. Many CNA dormitories were built in supreme locations across Taipei, such as Shijian Street and Chengde Road. The building is now old and worn out and has been abandoned for more than 19 years. The CNA dormitory is now owned by the National Property Administration and has become a focus for cultural workers and members of the Legislative Yuan in Beitou area, hoping that the Ministry of Culture would reconstruct the dormitory into a cultural space or artist village. Through artistic creations, exhibitions and performances, research, and residencies, this project hopes to encourage government and local cultural organizations to envision ways of integrating resources, invigorating unused spaces, and revitalizing the local community before official resources arrive on scene. In addition, Shijian st. 1 Landing Program hopes to involve C-LAB in the dialogue and contemplate an alternative possibility for creatives to enter urban spaces in an autonomous manner in the post-1990 era.
Shijian st. 1 Landing Program transforms the abandoned dormitory into satellite (moon) coordinates and the axis of history, technology, consciousness, politics, biology, and ecology into vibrations and fluidity of substances (comets and meteorites). Through the gravitational force between the planet (Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab) and the satellite (Shijian st. 1), this work initiates cooperation between energizing idle spaces and reviving local energy to create an ecology of collaboration and coexistence.
That’s one small step for mankind, One giant leap for species. 這是人類一小步 物種的一大步
複合媒 材裝置 | Mixed media installation | 2019